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Sz. Látó Judit - My Life, The Circus

Sz. Látó Judit

My Life, The Circus


4040 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5490 Ft

Szállítás: 2-3 munkanap

Kiadó: Magánkiadás

Év: 2022

My Life, The Circus - Sz. Látó Judit

Born 80 years ago in a circus caravan parked in the market square of the Hungarian city of Keszthely, István Kristóf had his path in life laid out from the beginning. As the child of a renowned strong man father and an aerialist mother, it’s no wonder that he grew up in the bright lights of the ring, accompanied by a celebrated elephant, Aida. He earned his first international successes as an aerial acrobat with the Hunor group before partnering with his equally talented wife, Ilona Sallai. As “Duo Kristof”, they won the Silver Clown Award at the Monte Carlo Circus Festival. Other prestigious awards were to follow, along with a 24-year tenure as director of the Capital Circus of Budapest, where he and his son, Kristian, conceived of and launched the Budapest International Circus Festival. The singular life stor y of István Kristóf of fers a glimpse into the mar vellous world of the circus.This book is that story, as told in his own words. ..

Sz. Látó Judit IDEGENNYELVŰ ANGOL Magánkiadás

Sz. Látó Judit - My Life, The Circus
Formátum könyv
Kiadó Magánkiadás
Év 2022
Katalógusszám (ISBN) 9786150138121
Online ár 4040 Ft
Eredeti ár 5490 Ft
Online kedvezmény 28%
Szállítás 2-3 munkanap
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