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Koerner András - How They Lived - The Everyday Lives Of Hungarian Jews, 1867-1940 ( Volume 2)

Koerner András

How They Lived - The Everyday Lives Of Hungarian Jews, 1867-1940 ( Volume 2)


12335 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15300 Ft

Szállítás: 3-5 munkanap
(Korlátozott mennyiségben áll rendelkezésre.)

Kiadó: Ceu Press

Év: 2018

How They Lived - The Everyday Lives Of Hungarian Jews, 1867-1940 ( Volume 2) - Koerner András

Having presented the physical conditions among which Hungarian Jews lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries--the kind of neighborhoods and apartments they lived in, and the places where they worked--this second volume addresses the spiritual aspects and the lighter sides of their life. We are shown how they were raised as children, how they spent their leisure time, and receive insights into their religious practices, too.The treatment is the same as in the first volume. There are many historical photographs— at least one picture per page—and the related text offers a virtual cross section of Hungarian society, a diverse group of the poor, the middle-class, and the wealthy. Regardless of whether they lived integrated within the majority society or in separate communities, whether they were assimilated Jews or Hasidim, they were an important and integral part of the nation. Through arduous work of archival research, Koerner reconstructs the many diverse lifestyles using fragmentary information and surviving photos. ..

Koerner András IDEGENNYELVŰ ANGOL Ceu Press

Koerner András - How They Lived - The Everyday Lives Of Hungarian Jews, 1867-1940 ( Volume 2)
Formátum könyv
Kiadó Ceu Press
Év 2018
Katalógusszám (ISBN) 9789633861752
Online ár 12335 Ft
Eredeti ár 15300 Ft
Online kedvezmény 20%
Szállítás Az országos forgalmazó a következő tájékoztatást adja: "Ebből a tételből csak korlátozott mennyiség áll rendelkezésre, a szállítást nem tudjuk biztosan garantálni."
... ...

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